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Hi my name is

Hardeep Singh

A Full-stack Developer

I am a Full-Stack Developer with a passion for delivering exceptional results.

With my expertise in React and NextJS on the frontend, and Python, Django, NodeJS, and Express on the backend, Flutter with Dart for Mobile Applications, I bring a unique combination of technical skills and creative problem-solving to every project I work on.

Contact me!

Who am I?

Hardeep Singh profile picture

With more than 4+ years of comprehensive experience in web and mobile application development, I have honed my skills in both frontend and backend development. In addition to my hands-on experience in web and mobile development, I have also explored a lot of different sectors like Devops, Blockchain etc, while working with some fantactic companies.

Here is list of companies I worked for:

Full Stack Developer at Teenager Startups (Teenivo)

Waterloo, Canada | Oct 2019 - Oct 2020

Python Developer at QuickCompany

New Delhi, India | Oct 2020 – Jan 2021

Full Stack Developer at TWS

Ludhiana, India | Feb 2021 – Nov 2023

Full Stack Developer at

Dallas, Texas | Nov 2023 – Present

Featured Projects

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code”? I got you.
Here are some of my projects you shouldn't misss
Sundar Gutka

Sundar Gutka (5k MAU)

Sundar Gutka is an open source Mobile app which features all the banis of sundar gutka with punjabi and english translation in a convenient way. This also features larivaar bani for someone who want it. This project is completely open source, feel free to make contribution.

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Material UI
  • Android
  • IOS
Lets Connect

Lets Connect

We help customers to display their availability to their client, so they can better manage their day and schedule better, We provide QR codes, embed iframe and booking services.

  • Django
  • React
  • Material UI
  • PostgreSQL
  • Google Cloud Platform


It uses TCP/IP socket for server and client communication, can send and re- ceive messages in real time with 100s of clients, Shows active users and track user activity for accurate online status.

  • Python
  • TKinter
  • Sockets
Split It

Split It - Bill Splitter App

A bill splitter app to split bill among your friends, with features like sign with the phone number, pick friends from contact list, clean visulization of tractions, pay with UPI options etc.

  • Flutter
  • Firebase
  • Material UI
  • Firestore
Other projects can be explored in my github profile


Let's be awesome together!

As a dev, I am driven by my love for coding and my desire for new challenges. If you have opportunities for collaboration or want to build something amazing, don't hesitate to contact me!

Get in touch!